Here’s one of my favorite shopping tips.
I don’t know if everyone’s aware of this, but one of my favorite saving tips involves using coupons at a higher priced store. Case in point: Bed, Bath and Beyond.
I’ll admit that I’m kind of a home designing junkie. Before I got into blogging, I actually spent a lot of my free time fussing with my home and garden, dabbling in interior design as well as external improvements on our property. You see, when we bought our house, it was fairly new, but had a lot of underdeveloped aspects (this was way back in 2000).
We got a great deal on our house back then, as the real estate market was in turmoil after the dot com bust and 9-11. But as we settled into our home, we realized that we had to do additional work to turn our house into what we ultimately wanted it to be. So I eased my way into a new hobby, which was to get into home improvement projects that would customize our living environment. I became addicted to shopping catalogs and home and garden stores, and yeah, it was one of those things that inflated our bills for a period of time (on a side note: I’m sure glad I eventually replaced a money taking hobby with a money making hobby… 😉 ).

But it wasn’t entirely foolish — or so I’d like to think. While I favored a nice store like Bed, Bath and Beyond for all its pretty home effects, there was one thing I did that saved me a decent amount of coin. I collected their coupons that came in the mail on a regular basis. And not only that, I collected ALL the coupons from ALL my friends and family as well. You see, each BBB coupon was good for either $5 off or 20% off on a single item. Each coupon could be applied to any one item at anytime, for a discount.
Great Savings Tip: Accumulate Those Bed, Bath and Beyond Coupons
What a lot of people may not realize is that these coupons NEVER EXPIRE. But let me qualify a bit here — apparently, there has been talk that the store’s policy earlier this year has changed the rules a little, such that old coupons are no longer universally accepted at all Bed, Bath and Beyond establishments. That is, certain stores in certain cities may no longer accept “stale” coupons. So depending on where you live, you may have to check with your local store to find out if they still honor your “expired” coupons.
Now as far as expired coupons are concerned: does that mean that the expiration dates are an “inaccuracy” to encourage people to use these coupons quickly? After all, retail sales events are created to encourage you to come out and shop; the sense of urgency makes you want to buy. Just check this out:

Whatever the case, the stores in my area do allow old coupons, so it’s been a good long while since I’ve purchased anything from Bed, Bath and Beyond for full price. Now while this has been the case for me, I still see shopper after shopper at this store, who pays the regular price for their pricey wares. If you’ve got a store that has a liberal coupon policy, don’t let the opportunity go to waste — use those coupons!
So that was one of my favorite shopping tips. If you’ve got one as well, do share!
Copyright © 2009 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
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I love them for this very reason! I registered there for my wedding and they sent me a 20% off your entire purchase coupon! They also sent me one when I moved into my new home.
You can also use several of those coupons on the same visit. I just plop them down and the clerk chooses the best ones. I’ve walked out saving as much as 50% off my purchase.
Their coupon policy is also what turned me on to them and now they are my main source for home items. I used to shop at Home Depot and J.C. Penney as well (which are both quite affordable), but BB & B has its draw. I love their linens. But it sure helps too, that the store smells nice. 🙂
It seems like I get BB&B coupons every day in the mail. I had no idea they were accepted after the expiration date though. I usually keep them and then toss them when they go stale. You’re right though…paying full value for anything at BB&B is just asking for it. Their prices are expensive and now with their competitor Linen’n’Things bankrupt, they can flex their muscles even more.
I’ll confess, I’m way too straight laced. I would never think to use an expired coupon, but reading this post has me thinking I need to loosen up a bit. It also has be thinking of Will Ferrell:
Frank Ricard (Will Ferrell): I told my wife I wouldn’t drink tonight. Besides, I got a big day tomorrow. You guys have a great time.
College Student: A big day? Doing what?
Frank: Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we’re going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I don’t know, I don’t know if we’ll have enough time.
The BBB coupons are useful, but I find Wal-Mart has similar items for lower prices than you can get at BBB even with the coupons. Target can usually beat even the 20% off, too. Still, I often end up buying more esoteric kitchen items there — my most recent example is a pump sprayer for oil that we use to turn rice oil into a Pam-like substance.
@Eric, BB & B does have higher priced items, but I guess that’s why they offer their constant stream of timeless coupons. Their prices are what keeps a lot of people out of their stores, so the coupons work a bit to equalize things (relative to lower cost competitors). Is this their worst kept secret, I wonder… 😉
@Michael, lol.
@Erica, when shopping for linen and bedding, BBB is where I go. I’ll admit to one luxury I allow myself — threadcount and Egyptian cotton. Not sure if Wal-Mart and Target have similar inventory in this regard? As I mentioned, I’ve been lucky to find some great fabric from J.C. Penney too, for great prices! Target: I love for everything else!
Great article. Another well known company allowing you to use their expired coupons is Mike’s Car Wash. I know they are at least a mid-west franchise, don’t know where else they are located.
I found that out just by asking them because I figure it doesn’t hurt to ask!
Good one SVB! I get the same coupons from BBB, and although they do say “expire by” on the bottom, I’ve never been rejected.
Don’t be fooled though people! The 20% off is deeply engrained in the price of their products! This is BBB’s business model which gets people come back from more and more and more STUFF!
Granted, when you need BBB stuff, you really need it (vacuum cleaner broke, pots, bedding etc) but don’t buy more than you need. That’s what the store does.
I’ve specifically talked to management about their strategies in luring consumers before, and this is one of them. Stand strong!
They never expire? Wow… I have tons of these things that have been lying around in a box since the late 90’s. (Don’t ask why I have a box of coupons…)
No expiry huh? That’s awesome!
I’m big on home decor as well, I spend a good chunk of money re-doing our home. But hey, it looks pretty! I win.
good suggestion. But are they really worth much? I own a house and will use your tips next time i need to buy the essentials for home.
The bed, bath and beyond coupons really are fantastic. They don’t expire and you can even use them after the fact. I keep a stack of them.
You can also use multiple BB&B coupons per purchase. It used to be max 5 coupons per purchase but each store seems to have it’s own policy. Also, make sure to optimize the coupons while you wait in line. The clerks will randomly choose a few so you might not save as much as you possibly can.
Uh-oh….just received my first BBB coupon that says, “The sooner you use it the more it’s worth! 20% off any single item NOW through 11/30/09 OR 10% off any single item 12/1/09 through 1/4/10.” Maybe it’s just a way to stimulate early holiday shopping, and not a precursor to enforced coupon expiration…?
I used to work at BBB and can attest to their coupon policy. They have to put expiration dates on their coupons due to federal law. It is also good to note that they have a price-match policy on identical items and will also honor competitor coupons as well. You can also use the coupons on any item in the store even though on the coupons it details some restrictions.
I also agree that they do mark up quite a bit of stuff. When I worked their, I could see how much of a profit they made off of any particular item, and let’s just say they are not lacking!
@Bargain Babe: The 5 coupon limit thing is a general policy. We were told to tell people that, but if they asked, we were to allow as many coupons as they had.
Due to their focus on customer service, you can also ask for discounts and they will usaully give them. If you don’t like the discount, ask to talk to a manager and you’ll probably get more. I worked in customer service and would routinely give people %10 off their total sale just because they asked or were buying a lot of stuff.
Hope this helps.
I was receiving coupons. I would like to receive them again.
@Nan, please check out our tip box in the post above, where you can find out how to sign up for coupons and be in Bed, Bath and Beyond’s mailing list.
Want to sign up for the 20 percent coupon.
Thank You,
Marlene Lichtenfels
As an employee for BB&B right now I can tell you that at my store you may use a maximum of 5 coupons per person per day and if you give the employee all your coupons they will maximize your discount for you as opposed to randomly selecting them so you save less. At my store, a manager will not give you a bigger discount just because you asked. It is what it is marked. As far as the new coupons 20% now, 10% later, they are exactly what they say. You save 20% up to that date and 10% later. They still will not expire but your maximum savings after that date will be 10 percent. You can sign up in store for coupons or you can do it on the web site.
please send me coupons
You can sign up for coupons by using the link I provide in the article above.
I have been an employee at BB&B for quite some time here in california. i have never heard that we can only take a maximum of five coupons. I have customers come in with (literally) bags full. It is one coupon per item. We are taking them expired at the time but some stores, such as some on the east coast, do not. The company is talking about doing that store wide. i’m not sure if it will happen. And if it does i’m sure it’s no time soon. We also price match ANY store plus let you use your 20% , $5 off $15 or more or your $10 off $30 or more. BB&B has great offers and the employees are wonderful as well as our customers. I look forward to going to work every day and not many people can say that.
ALSO…. sign up for them at the more u use YOUR coupons the more they will send you coupons. If you don’t use them with in one year (i believe) they will stop sending them to your address.
Please send me some coupons — Christmas is upon me! Thank You.
Wish this were the case in New York City. They’re very strict about coupon dates: if it’s expired they will not honor it. In addition, they don’t allow stacking of coupons. !!
I’ve always used expired coupons at BB&B in the NYC area. But the last time I shopped there was more than a year ago. I just checked their online FAQ and there is a question on whether they accept expired coupons. The answer is interesting because it doesn’t say no, but says, “Each coupon has an expiration date and we ask that our customers use the coupon during the event period.” So, it sounds more like an appeal or guideline than a strict policy. I certainly hope so as I intend to go shopping there tomorrow and I have a stack of those expired coupons, some as old as from ’07. Wish me luck!
It never hurts to try! I would call in first at a location to check if they take in the expired coupons. I believe they will. The locations we have here have been utterly generous with accepting any coupon I’ve ever presented them 🙂 . Good luck with the shopping!
Was told today by local BBB employee that they will no longer accept expired coupons.
Thanks for the photo credit! Living in Israel, I really miss BBB 🙁
It always gets me when people say that BBB has higher prices. Higher than whom ? While that might be true about certain items, I find that most of their prices are NOT higher than most stores, and are even lower than many stores. For example, I bought a Keurig platinum brewer which ells at most stores for about $170, which is what it was at BBB also. Of course the 20% of coupon made it a lot cheaper. The same thing with a Dyson hand vac which sells at most stores for about $150, though I have seen at at a higher price at certain stores, but not at BBB. I am not a BBB employee, nor am I related to a BBB employee, by the way.
I just called the BBB in City of Industry and they accept expired coupons.
I actually got a few of these coupons from a friend and I ended up throwing them out! Darn I should have used them or passed them on to someone else.
I shop here all the time!
I want to buy a bed set that cost $299 and to buy this I would need a 20 % off. I want to buy pillows that match.
I work at a Bed Bath & Beyond in Long Island, New York. I have been employed for 2yrs and just thought I would offer some friendly help.
We DO NOT accept the SAVINGS CERTIFICATES if they ARE EXPIRED. The Savings Certificates, not to be confused with our coupons, are the coupons that are sent to your e-mail address. These must not be expired, and we accept one from a customer per day that is not expired. You are also able to combine this single coupon along with a stack of our regular BB&B coupons that come to your house in the mail.
The BB&B coupons that come in the mail, DO NOT EXPIRE. As of right now, however, my manager has talked about this changing in the future. We don’t know when, however I don’t think it will be soon at all.
The “use this coupon now until **/**/**** and get 20% off, or after that date get 10% off” when we scan the coupon it will either give you the 20% or 10% and you WON’T be able to negotiate the percentage with a manager. With that coupon it is what it is.
20% off coupon EXCLUSIONS: As far as I know, in all of the Bed Bath & Beyond stores, the only store item that we are NOT ALLOWED to use a 20% off coupon, or a $5 off coupon on, are the Dyson vacuums. Which are definitely expensive and cost over $400. I am not sure as to why, but this IS an EXCLUSION. It is also on the bottom of the coupon if you look in the details.
We DO NOT accept COPIES of our 20% off coupons, $5 off coupons, or savings certificates. You can have fun with your copier all day, however I’m sorry but we do not accept copies. It is also illegal to make copies of coupons so I wouldn’t suggest even trying to bring in copies.
This statement: ” I worked in customer service and would routinely give people 10% off their total sale just because they asked or were buying a lot of stuff.”—Is almost 100% untrue in our store. They don’t routinely give out 10% off your entire sale. You can even ask our store manager and he won’t. You can buy $1,000 worth of stuff, and still not get 10% off your entire sale. Believe me, I’ve seen it. In the 2yrs I’ve worked at Bed Bath & Beyond. I’ve seen one of my managers give a customer 20% off your entire purchase. When my customer came back over a year later she asked for it again. The manager on duty told my customer that he was sorry however, he was not allowed to do it, and it was abiding by our store policy. This manager that gave the 20% off the entire purchase to the customer is no longer in our store.
It works best if you use the 20% off coupon on items over $25. The $5 off of $15 coupon works best on all of the smaller items combined, the closer to $15 you are the better. However, even if you go as high as $24.99 with all of the items combined it will still save you more than using all 20% off coupons on all the itty bitty items.
It is untrue that “the clerks will not help you with the best way to apply your coupons.” We were all trained on how to apply coupons the best way possible. Atleast in my store we are all trying to help the customers with the best way to apply their coupons. I am always happy to help 🙂
You are able to sign up for our coupons in the store. You just fill out a slip with your info and drop it in the box. They are on a small table when you walk into our store.
I also love going to work! There is nothing better than the friendly employees and friendly customers that come into BB&B!
This was my best advice, hope it helps 🙂
Just to let you know: I purchased a whole bunch of stuff from BB&B last week at my local store. I got a full 30% or so by using coupons I collected over the past year. It was a great deal. I love my goose down pillows! 🙂
I know this is the stupidest question ever, but since you can use more than one physical coupon, can you use two 20% coupons and get an additional 20% off of your price from the first 20% off? For example, say something is $100. 20% off would make it $80. Then 20% off of that would be $16, instead…and so forth. I’m sure the answer is no, but I figured I’d ask anyway. Either way, it’s a GREAT deal and I’m excited to be able to save on every item with each coupon separately! 🙂
You can only apply one coupon against one item alone. If you buy MANY items, then it works best that way. But if you have only one item, then you can only use one coupon to apply (it stops there). Also there may be some conditions per coupon. Like 20% off only on items that are $25 or more. Etc. I took in a bunch of coupons one day and probably half were used, but I pretty much saved hundreds of dollars this way.
That’s what I figured. Awesome, thanks! BB&B officially rules!
FYI – Those 20% off coupons are also good at Christmas tree shops, and at least one other place.
A guy that works at BB & B informed me that you can’t use more than one copy of the 20% off coupon. But this is untrue since there was at least one time when they allowed me to use multiple copies. When I bought my shake weight which was for $30, the 20% off made it like $24 something then I gave my mom a copy and she bought a cutting board with a copy of the same coupon which was handled by the same clerk. So it does work, but they probably don’t always accept an expired copy.
Also the 20% off coupon does expire, but you can get another one sent to you using a new email account from the last one you used, and just get a fresh unexpired copy with a new expiration date. But I don’t know how long they give you from the date applied till it expires though…
Thanks for these wonderful tips and suggestions posted here! I will make great use of BB&B’s wonderfully, liberal coupon policy! I am a new fan of BB&B and will continue to be as long as they maintain policies such as these mentioned here! 🙂 Cheers to saving!
Thanks RoTimi Waddy! I am glad we’re able to clarify a few things here. Best to ask your local BB&B but even up to this point, I have had NO issues using ANY coupons I bring to them. They’re awesome!
Another reason why I LOVE BBB is because not only do their coupons never expire, but since they are a sister store to BuyBuyBaby, they also take BuyBuyBaby coupons and vice versa! They only honor the “20% off a single item” coupon though. The great thing is that I can use the BuyBuyBaby coupons for all the baby showers I go to but after the shower the store still sends you monthly coupons and I can add them to my purchases when shopping at BedBathandBeyond! The BuyBuyBaby coupons never expire either, so I Buy Buy Buy, Baby! 🙂
I love to shop at bed bath beyond very much. From beauty products to bed room sets and kitchen stuff. Great service and great coupons!! When I have time, I love to look at their new bed room sets.
That’s cool! I love their bed room sets too! I’ve picked up a lot of their bedroom linen sets before. A shame that they did away with some of the great lines they used to have.
I have three 20% off one item coupons.
I want to buy 3 items. I can hand over all 3 coupons and save a total of 60%, right?
Sorry, I get a little confused with stacking coupons, or if they accept only one.