Yes it’s that time again when all the romantics among us are wandering the streets and surfing the internet, trying to come up with the ideal romantic gift for our other half.
But it could be trickier than ever to get it right, especially if you’ve only got a few dollars to spare to pick up whatever it is that’s caught your eye and made you think that it would be “perfect” for your significant other.
Don’t despair though –- it’s not all about shelling out those hard earned dollars. If you crack out a little imagination, it’s surprising how many things you can do to create the perfect romantic Valentine’s Day date. And you don’t have to spend the earth either.
5 Great Date Ideas That Come From The Heart
You can go for something affordable that’s also tasteful. You can check out our Ebates deals page for gift suggestions and sales opportunities. But if you’re looking more towards creating an experience with your loved one rather than getting them a gift, and if you are short on inspiration, then the following ideas should get you thinking along the right lines.

1. Have an indoor date.
Who says you have to spend a fortune in a restaurant? If you rarely cook for your partner, then this will be an even bigger surprise! Plan a three course meal that is relatively simple –- there are plenty of Valentine’s Day recipes online you can go to for inspiration.
2. Go out to a park and pack a picnic.
You’ll need reasonable weather for this one of course, but even if it’s cold out, you could still find somewhere undercover that is relatively cozy. Just remember to wrap up and take some nice snacks to enjoy together.
3. Head out for a walk and go somewhere you never have before.
Let’s face it, we’ve all got places we have agreed we’d like to go to, but we never seem to get around to going. Show your partner that you’ve listened to their previous suggestions, and pick out a walk or a hiking trail that they may have mentioned before. Think beaches, forests, city walks –- anything that fits!
4. Have a movie night.
This is always going to be a popular one if you pick films you know that your partner will love. Provide some suitable snacks to eat and see if you can set the mood for something later perhaps?
5. Cook something good together.
It’s certainly nice to surprise your partner with a nice meal, but it means you’ll have to ban them from the kitchen while you are cooking it. If you cook together, you can enjoy an experience you may not have very often. Lots of people seem to recommend making a homemade pizza together. You can even bash the dough around together and have some fun with the toppings.
Simple Things Can Go A Long Way
You can tell that the key to a great Valentine’s Day does not necessarily rely on spending lots of money. This is a similar message that I offered when I wrote my post on finding the perfect gift for the lady in your life. There are actually quite a lot of activities you can do that cost nothing at all, and even some of the others will only set you back a few small dollars.
It can be easier to spend some time thinking about your partner and what would mean the most to them. It may sound like a cliche but you will realize that the most important and meaningful things for them are often those that cost very little or even nothing at all. Just the fact that you have put some thought into the matter will mean more than any piece of jewelry ever could.
Copyright © 2011 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
Good ideas! I would add bringing in food and have a candlelight dinner. It is romantic and intimate.
I really like the idea of cooking things together. You have a great time making the meal and get to enjoy the food after!
These ideas can help you figure out some of the unique stuff your partner won’t expect or give you an idea of some things to talk about with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Can’t vouch for that ebook on 101 Romantic Ideas, but it looks mildly interesting. 🙂
This is a nice post. I know it’s no where near Valentines day anymore but it will be again next year. My wife and I really enjoy the picnic in the park thing. It’s nice that it’s inexpensive but I think we would do it anyway. We enjoy it a lot. We also like walking and exploring new places. It gives us a great chance to talk.
I wrote an article on my blog about personal touches to simple date ideas. The blog is called good date ideas and it’s at The article is Good Date Ideas with Personal Touches.
Oh, how I wish it was Valentine’s day. A romantic idea, I think, would be to spread roses all over your bed and maybe light candles in the bathroom and take a bath together. And eat a really good dinner.