I’ve noticed a lot of hype about the new Apple tablet and have seen many articles on the matter. I guess we’re all swept in the buzz.
Will You Buy An iPad?
So who among you have gone out to buy an iPad yet? I’m not an early adopter but I am surrounded by MANY who are. My spouse, brother-in-law (BIL), dad and a bunch of family friends are gung ho about anything that comes out of the Mac factories. Costs be damned. Well, it probably also helps that my BIL works as a contractual designer for Apple, so he’s got his fingers on their pulse a lot. And you know how it goes — when you get these gadget freaks together in one room and they get hyped, pumped and excited about picking up the next new toy, then the situation becomes non-negotiable. When I insist on how you can save money on cool electronics by waiting for prices to slump, my voice simply falls upon deaf ears. That’s just how my spouse operates (when it comes to the high tech stuff), and I’d rather pick my battles.
I’ve heard a few people tell me that they plan to wait a few years before getting the Apple iPad just to see how well it does in the market and to see it stabilize at a price level they’re comfortable with. In the meantime, some of these very smart people are just now buying their first iPhones (at relatively excellent prices). But could they wait a long time? After all, there are some interesting arguments against the expectation of an iPad price drop.

Apple has got all the price points covered! Image from Boy Genius. Click on the image for a closer look.
Digerati Spouse’s Reasons For Buying The iPad
So while my dad and mom have got their hands on their shared Apple iPad for now, it’s also whetted the taste buds of my spouse who tells me that he’s got good reasons (translation: jusifications!) for getting one:
- For better “round the house” web browsing / media consumption (ie, YouTube) experience. It’s lighter than a laptop, with a much larger screen than an iPhone.
- For access to the App store for utility apps, etc.
- For potential to be a popular new platform for consumer / entertainment experiences, so he wants to know more about that for future business opportunities.
- Anticipating some interesting games.
- It can stream Netflix videos (yay Netflix!)
As for me, I haven’t been much of a cell phone or fancy gadget user. It’s taken me ages to even warm up to the humble laptop. But I can understand why a whole bunch of those in my family (and friends group) are pretty excited about each new gadget that pops up — there are quite a number of people with gaming backgrounds in this group: from gaming producers, video game developers and entrepreneurs. Even my 8 year old is already the Plants vs Zombies champ at home — I hate to say that they’re already grooming the next generation at this age (believe me, I shake my head about this often); I’m the odd person out given that I’m the only one who hasn’t caught on — the only games I play are board games.
The good thing about this is that there is always the “business opportunity” angle because each new thing (social networking, mobile instruments, etc) spawns a market with great demand for new applications. So when you’ve got gaming engineers in your tight circle, then how can you argue with their enthusiasm?
Digerati Kids’ Reasons For Liking The iPad
And here’s why the Apple iPad is such a hit with my kids (particularly the 5 year old):
Eh… watching this thing gave me motion sickness!
You’ve probably read all about the pros and cons of this product elsewhere, so I won’t bore you with those points any longer. Besides, in our household, it seems that the decision has already been made about this!
Copyright © 2010 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 28 comments… read them below or add one }
Regarding the consumption of media, I have the same problem with the iPad that I had with the iPhone, the PSP, and other portable devices. Why oh why oh why would I pay $15+ bucks to watch a movie on a teeny tiny screen? And / or, if I have a favorite movie, am I to buy one copy for my big TV and one for my portable device?
If the iPad had a kind of Netflix streaming movie service to it, for a flat fee a month, I would go out and buy one right now. But I am still not sold on purchasing (not renting) movies, TV shows, etc. for any device other than my big blu-ray enhanced plasma screen TV at home.
Like other Apple products I could mention (*cough* all of them *cough*), the iPad just doesn’t seem to be a very good value. A good product, sure, but a good value? No.
I am going to wait for the 2nd generation – I do a lot of video conferencing and would have LOVED to use the iPad for WebEx, etc …. sadly Apple left that out.
So NEXT year I’ll likely buy one…. if they remember to add the camera.
I plan on getting an I Pad. I think it’s reasonable priced. Just from a portability standpoint (battery life and easy of use) I like the I Pad. I travel for work as well as take weekend trips. I like the idea of watching movies, blogging and more from the IPad while on the road.
At $500-$800, I’ll take my chances. I don’t see the price dropping too much. I am still trying to decide between wifi only or the 3G version. Decisions Decisions ha? lol
Either way, this is a fun decision to make!
I will get the iPAD when it becomes available in CANADA. Good write-up about it! I will still use my blackberry though!
Not me, Apple products are way too expensive, and just aren’t worth the money. I’m way beyond cool 😉 with my open source alternatives.
I’m a fan of Apple products. In spite of the fact that I work as a system analyst in IT for a very large corporation, I’ve always had Macs in my home. It’s just more efficient for me. (not necessarily for everyone, just for me -> http://www.observingcasually.com/mac-vs-windows/ )
We have two iPods in the house. Each was purchased as a refurb item after newer and better versions were available. I don’t need the bells and whistles, so I just waited for the price on an adequate model to drop.
I don’t have an iPhone, nor am I in line for an iPad. Will I pick one up a couple years down the road, when the first few revisions are fairly cheap? Yeah, probably. I’d like an easily portable WiFi web browsing device – but not at the current price.
Like Kosmo I am also a fan of apple, and I also do work as a network administrator. But for me it has been just until recently that I started to have more interaction with apple computers, to the point that i retired my personal computer at home for an imac, best decision ever!!!! and now my wife is even considering on getting an ipad even though she is not a big fan of having the latest technology on hand. I also gotta say if iphone were to be offered by Verizon i would jump to it right away.
At this time, I do not need an iPad yet… 🙂
The iPad is overpriced for the limited functionality it offers. Sure its wrapped in a pretty interface, but tries to control way too much of its products. It just shows that whatever Apple produces the fan boys will immediately purchase. HP and Google are both releasing tablets this year, and I’m sure they will be a better value over the iPad.
I’ll wait for the 2nd generation. Then the 3rd will come out with something much better. Always happens to me 🙂
@ Blueoysterjoe,
You might just be in luck. Netflix has an iPad app that allows FREE streaming, assuming you already have a Netflix plan – which start at 1o bucks I believe.
So far, the killer “app” for the iPad seems to be the battery life. It’s awesome. Reviewers are getting a minimum of 10 hours doing CPU intensive tasks like movies and wi-fi Internet.
I am not an early adopter and neither is my wife. Being a consumer miser, I tend to stay away from Apple products in favor of more affordable items that may have less bells and whistles. I won’t be buying an I-Pad or I-Phone or Mac (unless they slash prices drastically). I am a Blackberry and regular PC laptop type. Also, I like for glitches and prices to fall and products to be well tested before I jump in which usually takes a year or two. Apple products seem to sustain their higher price point versus their competitors so I may never be an Apple buyer. I did buy an Apple 2E computer once, but it was used, so this may not count. Does this count?
I think for the future-why not? But right now I’ll probably wait until they come out with the 2nd generation iPad first. They’ll probably add other things to it that will make it even more worthy.
I really like the iPad concept, but the product fell a little flat from a power standpoint for me. Since I’m on my computer about 10 to 12 hours each day, I prefer to have something that can do it all and the iPad isn’t that. About two years ago, I purchased a nice little netbook, but found that it was occasionally lacking the power/tools needed, and that turned into a major source of irritation. Where is the netbook now? My 7 year old uses it…well…sort of…he too found it lacking the power/tools needed. Now it more or less gathers dust somewhere.
Until the iPad powers up, I don’t want to repeat my netbook experience. Give me a device that does it all with a touch screen, and I’ll gladly trade in my Vaio.
BTW, HP’s competing product looks intriguing.
I have yet to even see an IPAD, but knowing Apple they are good. Honestly, I have no Apple products other than an IPOD Nano. I would probably get an IPhone if I did not have a company phone (we do not have IPhones).
If the IPAD is anything close to the IPhone it is top notch. Down the road I may have to invest in one.
I want to buy it for using when traveling to anywhere. Because it is lighter than a Netbook and Notebook.The touch screen is easy to record and find the file you want.
I’ll probably get an iPad eventually but I’m in no rush.
Call me cheap, but I always prefer to wait until prices has halved and all before getting the “latest” gadget. Admit it, it’s all for show. I just got my 8GB iPhone last December and people couldn’t really tell now if I’ve had it since the iPhone first came out. If for anything, they think that I’ve kept my phone really scratch-free and clean 🙂
And oh, am not even talking about the iPhone 3Gs 🙂
Would be great to get one soon, can’t see a price drop anytime soon so may just have to see if I can afford it! It looks so cool though!
I’m actually going to be getting one of these iPads, once the price drops. It seems that they have so much potential, and if one of these things is jailbroken it will be able to do so many great things!
I totally disagree with almost all the junk written online about the iPad. Personally, I think the device looks inferior to Amazon’s Kindle and even the iPod Touch is better. So, it is good to see that online shops index ranked the best sites to buy an ipad. I do most of my shopping online today and I think the Kindle is cheaper and has better readability. Personally, I think a good book is better than either iPad or Kindle, but I think in today’s apple-obsessed world I am in the minority.
Just how eager Steve Jobs is to get everything rolled into planned obsolescence, I’d avoid the ipad like I would a plague.
Remember how expensive the iPod was.. Like.. 5 years ago? Even the earlier iPhones are completely dirt cheap now.
Sorry, but I’d rather invest that money :B
I’m going to wait for the iPhone 4G, the iPad seems a tad useless.
I don’t see why anyone would buy an Ipad over a standard network. See through the tarty features and all you have is a glorified mobile phone. A proper netbook also has an LCD screen in addition to a lot more…
I will buy an iPad eventually, just not this model. Just think how great the second generation iPod Touch was compared to its first model.
I honestly don’t see the need for one. It’s just a big iphone. The only reason to get one is to impress your friends. IMO.
The one who have just bought the new iPad they should try iPad Speakers also for better audio enhancement and quality. I have search a lot of device for audio and found some really interesting iPad Speakers.
Here’s a story that shows how the iPad frenzy can be hazardous to your health. I mean c’mon now! A kid tries to sell his kidney to be able to afford an iPad? Pretty extreme, if you ask me, but that’s the way it is in some parts of the world where organ brokers are out there, waiting to prey on weaker souls.
Here’s the truth: there are at least TWO things I know of that are more valuable than money (other than your beliefs, principles and your loved ones, of course): that would be TIME and your HEALTH. You lose either for good, and no amount of money can really get it back.
Lesson here is this: know your priorities. Wish we could knock sense in some people and point out that a kidney != an iPad.