When Money & Technology Meet: Exciting Trends In Finance

One of our missions is to bring to you the latest in financial technology. We cover fresh trends in the personal finance industry and take a look at how new innovations, software and tools can help us with our money related tasks. We are excited about the opportunities that we see in this area, a subject that’s pretty much in our wheelhouse given that we are based in the technological center of the nation. We intend to bring to you fresh and updated reports of your favorite financial companies, as well as the products and services they provide. We’re also hoping to be able to provide exposure to newer startups in this field and to give you new insights to finance through the exciting new offerings of these companies.
We’re always on the lookout for breaking stories in this area. If you know of a company that has something brewing in this field, let us know. We’d love to hear from you.
Many people are drowning in debt and don’t know where to start. It’s time to take the bull by the horns. If you’re one of those folks who started the year by resolving to get your finances and debt under control, and feel that there’s more you’d like to do for this cause, then do […]
If you’re reading this, there’s a pretty good chance that you possess a Facebook account. And there’s also a pretty good chance that you’ve seen your friends check-in at a restaurant via Foursquare, after which they “like” their favorite brands’ pages, or post a comment in order to possibly have a chance at winning that […]
Today, I’d like to present a few sites that can be a feast for your eyes. Seems like there are quite a few sites out there that do a fun job of adding some whimsy to cloud tags and search engines. Here’s a short list of these web destinations. What do you think of these […]
I still remember the days when the iPhone was this new gadget that got released to the public, and many people including a few frugal bloggers were debating about whether this thing was worth the money. The argument was that it was simply an unnecessary luxury. I personally thought this way as I am admittedly […]
Remember Wesabe? It was a very promising startup that was well recognized in the personal finance space some years back. It provided financial software tools and a community on the web. Those following the financial technology industry will be aware of the fact that they’ve folded. But you may wonder what factors made them go […]
You may not have heard of Flat World Knowledge before, but I was recently invited to give it a once over. It actually has an interesting premise: they’re in the business of providing textbook customization and personalized textbooks for students. While the service references all kinds of textbooks, I thought I’d discuss Flat World Knowledge […]
I woke up a lot earlier than I am used to in order to attend the Finovate Spring 2011 conference. Strangely enough, it was the first opportunity I had to attend this annual event; better late than never, I suppose, given that I run a financially oriented site and I hail from the technology mecca […]
There is at least one conference that I am compelled to attend each year, being a personal finance blogger and especially one with the “Silicon Valley” bent. It’s an annual conference that covers the coasts — one is held in the Spring in the SF Bay Area, and another event takes place in New York. […]
I’ve covered a lot of ground on conventional investing practices such as diversification, asset allocation, indexing and dollar cost averaging. But I also like covering other aspects of investing and trading that I’ve been curious about. I study stock trading as a hobby because I’m fascinated by the possibility of using technology, technical strategy and […]