All About Insurance & Risk Management

One of the most important and complex decisions you will need to make when it comes to your personal finances is to determine the kind and level of insurance coverage you need. A lot of coverage will cost you way too much in premiums each month and too little insurance will leave you stranded in an emergency. So, how do you find that middle road?
At The Digerati Life, we’ve spent a lot of time trying to find that middle road for you. We’ve delved into a lot of the complexities that surround the insurance industry and present them in a way that hopefully makes sense to you. We touch on the usual suspects of life, health and auto insurance, but also cover more esoteric matters such as specialty pet insurance and extra benefits offered by your credit card issuer. We discuss the ins and outs of using an insurance agent versus buying insurance on your own, as well as debate the merits of an extended warranty (is it really worth all that extra cash?).
Insurance is an incredibly important part of your overall financial plan and having the right coverage will make the difference between being prepared and being a victim. Check out some of our posts that chronicle the personal experiences of our writers as they work with the insurance industry to address their own insurance requirements. Hopefully, our stories and tips can help you start saving money on this front while allowing you to become better prepared for your rainy day.
Protect each dollar you earn. Make sure that you have the right insurance policies in place and that you are managing your financial risks as well as you can.
We compare low cost life insurance vs commission based policies vs those you can buy through fee only insurance agents. Every financial plan should have a risk management or insurance component. Yes, we all know the importance of life and disability insurance, and health and long-term care. And, annuities, despite their criticism, also have a […]
It’s no secret how I feel about insurance. It seems like everyone has their hands out when it comes to getting a little piece of the action. From auto insurance to health insurance, homeowners insurance, business liability insurance, life insurance, death insurance. I mean, is there anything that we do or own that doesn’t require […]
I have a few insurance agents in my family who tell me that quite a good number of customers aren’t familiar with the differences between whole life insurance and term life insurance. In fact, a lot of folks tend to think that life insurance comes in one flavor. Of course, that’s not the case. What […]
Life Insurance tends to be one of those things that people really don’t want to deal with. We know we should have it, but it can frequently serve to remind us of our mortality. And let’s face it; it’s not all that exciting. Personally, I see a lot confusion regarding this matter. So how about […]
How can we cut our auto insurance premiums in half? Here are a few tips to lower your car insurance rates. Even if you already have insurance coverage, it’s still always a good idea to review your car insurance needs and compare rates from time to time, as even a cursory check of quotes from […]
When I was in middle school, my parents took me on a road trip to Madison, Wisconsin to see the Badgers play my beloved Iowa Hawkeyes (whom I have since deserted for Iowa State). Not only was it the first college basketball game I had been to, but the first major sporting event of any […]
Once a year, employees get the chance to evaluate and choose their health care options for the following year — a practice referred to as annual open enrollment. If only one spouse is employed outside the home, or if both work for the same employer, the choice can be simple. If multiple employers are involved, […]
When I was in high school, I had braces. It was a very unpleasant experience, and when I was old enough to be in charge of my own health care (18), I began skipping the dentist entirely. In hindsight, this was a really dumb decision. When I was about 24, I had a tooth problem […]
Be aware of the possible dangers and risks that are associated with the holiday season. We discuss those things to watch out for so we can be safe during the holidays. The yuletide season is a time devoted to family reunions, merry-making and giving back. But it’s also a time that can be stressful. But […]