Money & Health Topics: Live A Comfortable, Healthy Life

Here’s where we touch on the important topics of health and money. How are these matters related? In more ways than one. Health is wealth, after all! At some point, every one of us will need to worry about how much money we are going to need to cover our current and future health care costs. Of course, we want to ensure that we have more than enough coverage, but the high cost and complexity of healthcare services make it tough for us to pick up the right amount of insurance. That’s one of the main reasons why many of us are underinsured or carry no insurance at all. From our view, health insurance is one of the most important, yet often overlooked financial concerns that all families harbor.
What you’ll find here are articles dedicated to helping you understand the healthcare industry, how new legislation can affect your bottom line, and how to make sure that you are covered, no matter what your circumstances are. We discuss topics such as Health Savings Accounts, the new Healthcare Reform Act, and how to find insurance if your employer doesn’t offer it. We want to make sure that you have options out there to help you make the best decision for your personal situation. In addition, we write about how we can stay healthy on a budget and how we can preserve our family’s health without having to spend an arm and a leg. We hope that you’ll find information here to help you make sound decisions related to your healthcare.
Everyone wants to eat healthy these days. Your health is priceless! Many claim, however, that it’s impossible to eat healthy on a limited food budget. But I would beg to differ; cheap meal ideas abound, and there are lots of ways to prepare your food inexpensively. You also don’t always need a stack of grocery […]
Can’t we all lose weight and do what some determined people have done without having to stretch our budgets in the process? Sure we can. Why am I harping so much about health? It’s because health problems can spiral into huge financial nightmares quite easily. Leading causes of bankruptcy are the twin demons of poor […]
Doing simple, cost effective things to stay healthy today will keep you from spending more money down the line. The truth is, the cost of treating chronic disease can be debilitating enough to cause job loss; it’s cited as one of the top reasons why people go bankrupt. The high cost of poor health is […]
Health care has come a long way, hasn’t it? Ailments used to be treated with tonics made from roots and other raw, unprocessed ingredients from nature, while non-invasive options to surgery are now much more prevalent. Conditions that used to be threats to our life and health in the past are now simply just minor […]
One of our biggest expenses are those payments we make to cover our medical bills. By thoroughly understanding our health insurance and health care statements, we stand a better chance of saving quite a bit of money. It’s likely that you’re paying thousands of dollars per year for your health insurance coverage. Unfortunately, a lot […]
A fellow blogger who’s also a good friend has embraced a particular cause and speaks out quite a bit against a large multi-level marketing firm. He’s been quite the consumer advocate against MLM schemes. His blog is at and has long stood up for consumers. In the past, his anti-MonaVie posts have received traction […]
While there are only two things in life that are certain (death and taxes, of course), the “tax industry” wants to ensure that you keep on living. The IRS wants taxpayers to hang around as long as possible in order to ensure an ongoing, steady flow of taxes into the government. After all, the IRS […]
Because of financial reasons, fewer employers are offering Flexible Spending Accounts (aka Flexible Spending Arrangements or FSAs). If you are fortunate to still have one, then you may want to hear about the IRS changes that impact eligible expenses for such accounts in 2011. The new statutory changes apply to covering over-the-counter drugs and medicines. […]
Some of my favorite things in life (and many of my guilty pleasures) revolve around gustatory delights. But unfortunately, when the family economics falls into question, one of the things that may get sacrificed is the food quality of the household. Is it the case in your home that when you want to cut costs […]