Online Business: Launching And Managing A Business On The Web

One of our favorite topics happens to be the subject of online business, and that’s naturally the case, because we are, after all, at the helm of one. When we first started this site, we had absolutely no experience in running or even developing an internet-based business. This site was purely an experiment that turned into a personal hobby which then eventually grew into a profitable full time online venture. It has evolved in a myriad of ways, along with its mission.
The Silicon Valley Blogger, the founder and owner of The Digerati Life, initially developed this site as a blog that was meant to express her personal thoughts and opinions about the startup community in Silicon Valley. Based on reader feedback and practical experiences from her earlier months as a blogger, she eventually decided to shift direction and establish The Digerati Life as a site that catered more to a general personal finance and small business audience. You’ll find a lot of what she, along with The Digerati Life team, has learned about web business. So here’s where you’ll find our stories and tips on online business, which are all drawn from the personal experiences of those who have “walked the walk”.
The steps we are showcasing here are not just applicable for an online business but for any small business. What’s the difference between a hobby and a business? The difference is that losses from a business can be deducted on your taxes (schedule C) whereas losses from a hobby cannot. The IRS presumes that an […]
As you already know, I’m in the business of developing online content, also known as content publishing (and specifically, blogging). I’d like to cover a little ground on this topic today, sort of like a checkpoint for myself, at the end of the year. While I have many goals, one thing I particularly care about […]
Having a thriving home-based online business is a fabulous asset. But what’s even better, by being an online business owner, you won’t have to worry about having a boss to answer to or have to think about what to say if you happen to be a bit late when getting in to work. But of […]
Before you start shopping around for a trusty web host for your brand new site, evaluate these opportunities to see if blogging is worthwhile to pursue. Are you doing it for money or for fun? If you’re doing it to see if you can turn in a few bucks while you do something enjoyable, then […]
Back in 2006, I found myself getting started with a small business idea and launching a personal finance blog. To get my business ideas off the ground, I discovered quickly that I needed to learn some new technologies that will allow me to create a presence on the internet. Here’s what I expressed back then: […]
Once in a while, we have to go on break in order to recharge. When you work for someone else, you’re usually given 2 weeks a year to spend as you wish. Your vacation time is scheduled and also limited. It’s a totally different story when you work for yourself, and yet another story if […]
Update: This offer is not available at this time, but new courses may be presented in the future. I’ve been following a business that a fellow financial blogger is running, called Only72 and I’ve signed up to be one of their partners. That financial blogger is the fellow behind, Adam Baker, whom I had […]
Well, well, well. It’s been an eventful week here in the online world as Google did a rather major overhaul of the web. And there’s been quite a hullabaloo over this matter as many long-standing web pages were pulled out of their usual rankings and banished into the deep recesses of the Internet where no […]
Every so often, The Digerati Life goes through a few changes to address improvements that our readers have been asking for. It’s been a while since we did a major overhaul here so it was time to get a new look in and I hope you like it! So today, I will be sharing with […]