We’re closing the year and welcoming a brand new one. And we’re doing it by adding on to our special album of New Year greetings. We’ve collected our wishes throughout the years and include a handful of our favorite posts from the past on some occasions. We’ve seen both ups and downs but overall, life online and offline has been pretty exciting and certainly beyond our expectations. We’d like to thank all visitors, subscribers and followers for helping us stay the course! We hope that wherever you are, you are celebrating hard. And do let us know what your plans are for the upcoming year.
Happy New Year 2011! Choice Posts from 2010
Here are some of our favorite posts of 2010.
JANUARY: Get A Financial Education In Your Twenties
FEBRUARY: Skip Commercial Banks! How Cash Only Living Can Work
MARCH: Investing In Global Financial Markets
APRIL: Wipe Away Debt Problems With Debt Snowflakes
MAY: After I Do My Taxes, How Does My Tax Return Get Processed?
JUNE: How To Escape An Upside Down Car Loan
JULY: Developing Multiple Streams of Income
AUGUST: 3 Things To Do With Your Online Cashback Earnings
SEPTEMBER: What To Consider Before You Cancel Your Credit Cards
OCTOBER: How To Get A Car Loan: Evaluate Financing Options
NOVEMBER: Steps to Buying a House: Checklist & One-Year Plan
DECEMBER: The Debt Snowball from Dave Ramsey: FAQ
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! May 2011 bring you prosperity and joy.
Welcoming 2010: The Digerati Life’s 2009, A Year In Review
Now how about I peel back some of the pages of time and offer you The Digerati Life’s own retrospective and show you a sampling of what we wrote about over the past year? Here are some of the highlights, commentary, opinions and discussions that we had in 2009:
JANUARY: Millionaire Secrets of the Super Rich: The Big Problems They Keep
FEBRUARY: Obama’s Foreclosure Bailout Plan: Should There Be Help For Homeowners?
MARCH: 1929 Stock Market Cycle: Are Technical Indicators, Stock Trends Repeating History?
APRIL: Credit Card Spending Down By 10%, Ours Is Down By 50%
MAY: Good Business In A Bad Economy? Grow Your Business In A Recession
JUNE: I Need A New Credit Card Fast
JULY: Great Stock Market Performance, But Will Dow 9,200 Hold?
SEPTEMBER: How One Debtor Resolves Her Credit Card Problems
OCTOBER: Double Dip Recession: Why Dow 10,000 May Not Last
NOVEMBER: U.S. Unemployment Rates and the History of Recession: A Visual Guide (Map)
DECEMBER: Zhu Zhu Pets: Top Toy For Your Christmas Stocking
I had been hearing a lot of people grumble about how glad they were that 2009 finally ended. It was a pretty tough year for a good lot of people (particularly the first half of the year) so it seems that most people were relieved that they could now “start afresh”.
As for me, I was “cautiously hopeful” (or as the oft-heard, well-worn cliche of recent years states: “cautiously optimistic”) for the year. I thought to channel a more rowdy mood for the start of this New Year and present you with a slightly obnoxious 2009 retrospective, a humorous and satirical view of the year that was:
I was actually hopeful about 2009. This CNN poll shows us that while more people are feeling more positive than not about their future, such confidence levels are lower than what they were a decade ago: in 1999, an overwhelming majority of people (85% of poll respondents) were hopeful about their situation for the following year. But these results are far from surprising when you’re coming off a recession vs riding the wave of a huge boom. I don’t find the poll that meaningful (the CNN news title is in fact, misleading) given that it pretty much just states the obvious.
A Virtual Toast To 2010 and A Happy New Year To All!
Happy New Year 2009! It’s All Up From Here
To our dear friends, best wishes for the new year! Thanks to our wonderful readers, subscribers, visitors and fellow bloggers for ringing in 2009 with us! We’ll remember 2008 as a highly volatile, roller coaster of a year, but we thoroughly enjoyed the time we’ve spent on the web with you all, chatting about business and finance.

We wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous 2009.
Here’s to more saving, more controlled spending, and perkier investments all around!
Copyright © 2010 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 18 comments… read them below or add one }
This site is a real inspiration to me and my blog! Keep up the great work, and we’ll be celebrating more years down the road!
Happy New Year! I am glad to see such progress for your site. I just started my new PF blog as well. Feel free to stop by if you have time. Good luck in the next year!
Happy New Year! 🙂
Happy New Year SVB!
All the best and probably many more visitors this year 😀
Thanks for the mention and keep bringing the great content. I look forward to another great year.
Happy New Year! On the Year 2009: I’m only glad that the latter half of 2009 is over. I thought that the first half (my recollection is that we fell to somewhere near DOW 6500 in March) was encouraging.
This take is opposite to the conventional wisdom because the conventional wisdom is rooted in the Buy-and-Hold Model of understanding how stock investing works. Under the conventional model, price gains are always viewed asa a good thing. My view is that price gains are good only to the extent that they are justified by productivity of the economy. The U.S. has been sufficiently productive to support stock gains of 6.5 real (but nothing more than that) for many, many years. My view is that any gains beyond 6.5 percent are financed by a lowering of gains in subsequent years. So we are really only fooling ourselves when we pretend that Bull Market price gains are lasting.
Early in 2009, we had returned to fair-value stock prices. Had we stabilized there, we could have avoided a second crash and the economic depression that is likely to follow from a second stock crash. Now we are back at dangerous price levels and I would put the odds of us seeing a second crash sometime over the next three years or so at about 75 percent.
I’m not all gloom and doom, however. I believe that many people are going to open up to the idea of ditching the Buy-and-Hold Model after it causes another crash. We have learned so much about how to invest effectively over the past 30 years (that we have not been able to tell others about) that I believe we are going to see a great economic expansion after things get bad enough that we achieve a consensus that Buy-and-Hold can never work.
I am rooting for a crash big enough to bring us to our senses but not so big as to entirely destroy our economic and political system, to be followed by the greatest economic surge ever seen in U.S. history as knowledge of how stock investing really works spreads to millions of middle-class investors.
I feel the same way about 2009 as everybody else did… I’m glad it over. But I also acknowledge that 2009 was an important year too. It was (hopefully) the year of bottoming (or turnarounds), and a pivotal year that we desperately needed.
So, I gave 2009 a respectful and courteous nod as it’s time expired, and welcomed 2010 with a big open armed embrace as it popped through the door smiling!!!
Happy New Year, and here’s a virtual “ting” to your virtual toast! 😉
To all, best wishes for the New Year (and many many thanks for your support and your visits…)
To my blogging colleagues: keep on writing your great content and networking — you’re on your way to even loftier numbers 🙂 . I love seeing everyone’s numbers go up — if the financial blogosphere grows, it only benefits everyone else.
To all new bloggers — I’ll definitely be watching your blog! Thanks for dropping by and we hope to see you make the rounds. Best of luck!
I had a great year. But I accept I was lucky – I kept most of my freelance contracts, and I kept my head when the market fell. It could have all gone very badly, as it always could, but I get a lot more nervous near the top of market cycles than bouncing around near the bottom!
Howdy SVB – HNY to you! So many plans this year, so little time 🙂
How are your personal and family goals? 🙂 Would love to hear about your “other” lives as well.
How about your personal and family goals?
Thanks for asking, SVB.
The truth is that for me it comes down to the same thing.
My life is blessed in every respect other than certain issues I’ve encountered in investing discussions held on the internet. I have a wonderful family, I have good health, I have a reasonably strong faith, I am doing work I love, I live in a country that I love.
The one problem that I have in life is that the growth of my internet business has been held back for eight years now because of this group that does not want people to learn the realities of stock investing. When I break through this wall, I just see things getting better and better and better. There are so many angles to this story that it is one that I can write about for the rest of my life. But of course it is no fun if I don’t reach the people who want to learn about this stuff. So I do need to break down the wall.
I don’t want to sound as though all I am is my work. I think the way to put it is that the only area where I don’t have total happiness today is an area related to my work and even there the work itself is great. It’s just that the work that I have done happens to make some feel defensive and threatened and I need to get around those people to make the work pay off both for me and for the communities for which I write.
Any plans for this year?
For me, no. I went to Disney last year, and that tapped me out financially for a while… Sounds like a great trip! I’m excited for you! Someday, (hopefully) I will get to travel overseas for vacation too once in a while…
Did anything over the holidays capture your eye or ear?
Not really much… Ironically, I got shot in the eye with a nerf gun in a neaf war with my son. Figures, the one time that I don’t enforce the “goggle rule”, I get nailed 🙂
Good luck on your new business, I’m researching rental property, but I doubt that I will go that route. Sounds like too much hassle and too much mess if you get the wrong renters… I hate the conflicts that can arise from dealing with those types of issues.
This is a year of serious growth and developing my business further. I am striving to be the best Web Design and Internet Marketing business in South Africa.
It is almost the end of the year! Still I have not done even 1 great plan yet. This really upsets me and really pressures me. I am working like hell, but it’s hard to move forward. Just one big holiday will really take a lot out of my finances.
SVB, you had a great year. Your traffic growth is incredible. I want that type of return on my investments and my own blog.
Keep on sharing your great information in your own unique style. I really appreciate it.
Happy New Year to you as well CM! Thank you for being such an active commenter here. 🙂 I really look forward to seeing your blog grow as well and reading your insights on pf. Being that this blog is on the “old” side, it’s getting harder to achieve high growth stats. But well, we can always hope we continue the trend!
I am wishing that this next year will be a healthier one for me and that I can drop a few. But on the financial front: I just want to become much more organized. I really need some order. I tend to have too many things going on at once, and I procrastinate on being “organized” (yeah, the “messy desk” syndrome). So I’m hoping to change all that this year!
I’m going to start checking in here more often. Happy New Year! I hope it’s a good one for everyone.