A little over a week ago, my blogs died… or went into several days in a coma. It didn’t help that I had a hand in it since I was feverishly moving my blogs from Blogger to WordPress. I discovered that suddenly, Technorati (the almighty blog aggregator responsible for a whole bunch of web traffic for the Google nobody) stopped indexing my posts and in my naivete, I scratched my head and thought that something the heck was wrong with Technorati and eventually the spiders will be afoot and get my posts updated again and all will be right in the world. So I wrote Technorati support, who was nice enough to make adjustments to their control panel to get me up and running again. The magic worked for my WordPress blog, but not the one I still had on Blogger.com. My Blogger blog, Curly Tree what is now known as The Digerati Life, was dead for a bit longer.

I discovered why, shortly. Technorati runs on feeds. My feeds were dead. So off I go to bother with Feedburner. No matter what I did, Feedburner would keep reporting an Invalid Feed type error. Eventually I found out that it was all Blogger’s fault. And that evil Blogger Beta struck again. There was a bug in how they were handling atom feeds. So I threw in the towel and decided to speed up my porting efforts for Curly Tree The Digerati Life and finally I am weaned off of Blogger. Ah, the sweet smell of freedom.
So now count me in as one of those veterans of the migration process. I thought it would take me much longer than it did, but it’s not that bad after all. But like anything else, the longer you spend on it, the more you learn. You just need to bite the bullet and get your hands dirty. Resources are everywhere so it is not a lost cause, like when I thought I would resign myself to blogspot and get my new domains to redirect. No, it was well worth the move.
I’m happy with my new address. I feel like I upsized into some really fancy digs. WordPress rocks!
If you want to know more about WordPress, then check out WordPress.org. Or you can also try WordPress’ own community, WordPress.com. In all fairness, Blogger is still a fine platform where a beginner can get going in around 5 minutes. They are still ironing out the kinks over there. If you’re a newbie, Blogger is a good place to start as many will happily attest. Also, there is a time and place for everything and the right spot for you. You just need to find a place that fits.
Copyright © 2006 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
Excellent of you to add another resource to other bloggers, too! Wordpress does rock, ownership rocks – congratulations!
i do have the same problem as yours. blogger beta had some problems with its feed. however, since the start of October, feeds are now ok.
xxx/blogspot.com/rss.xml is now ok
(note: xxx is the name of your blog)
wordpress is great though.
I also use Wordpress and I like it!
-Terry Forsey