I’m sending this greeting out, because it’s July 4th once again! Have a good one!
Weather is perfect here in the West Coast, and the mood is set for our traditional festivities: a nice family-style meal this evening. We’re earnestly celebrating the 4th of July in the usual manner — a great barbecue with family and some teeny tiny (riiiiight!) fireworks in the yard. We’re first generation immigrants and naturalized citizens who feel greatly honored to live and work in this wonderful country, where we have been afforded tremendous opportunities and have built lives we enjoy. We’re living our own version of the American Dream [insert cheesy music with firework popping sounds here] and we’re proud to be Americans!
After all the stuff at home, we’ll follow up with watching some fireworks up the hill from where we live. We’ve got a good view of the Bay Area peninsula from where we live.
So what are you folks serving up today? We’re having the standard hot dogs…

refreshing drinks…

and we’re going for something tropical: mango floats and mango crepes for dessert. It’s a favorite with us! 🙂

Image from Hug Smiles
And of course, we follow this up with a lot of noise and merry-making. But while you’re having fun, do be careful out there too. Have a great celebration!
Created July 4, 2010. Updated July 4, 2012. Copyright © 2012 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
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Happy 4th of July! Spent half the day traveling back from Las Vegas (about 11 hours including 1 layover!!!), but we saved a ton of money on the flight (and hotel). 15 family members traveled total, including several kids. I have Monday off, so I will use this day to really celebrate Independence Day. I’ll be blogging about my Las Vegas trip soon too.
Happy 4th! Love the picture of the dog.
Thanks Krantcents (and Consumer Miser)! Hope you are enjoying this break. 🙂 Happy Independence Day!