More about blogging for profit… and fun!
I’d like the chance to acknowledge the awesome coverage we’ve received lately from some great sources. The Digerati Life got mentioned in a few articles and threads, where I had the chance to spill a few “secrets” (stuff I don’t normally discuss on this blog).
Blogging For Profit
Kimberly Palmer of US News recently wrote a series on blogging as a way to earn money. There were several financial bloggers who were mentioned in a couple of related articles on the subject, including yours truly! One of her articles discussed what you need to do to be able to turn blogging into a money-making activity. Her other article told the stories of a few bloggers who offer their insights into their craft. For the latter writeup, I got profiled along with fellow financial bloggers Squawkfox and Lazy Man and Money (and life coach Steve Pavlina). I must thank Kim Palmer for the opportunity to share my story. For the record, here is a quick rundown of her tips on how to earn money from blogging:
- Pick a topic that you love.
- Build up traffic.
- Wait to monetize. Or start immediately.
- Temper your expectations.
- Start strong.
- Don’t rely purely on Google AdSense.
- Multistream your income.
- Learn from others.
Coincidentally, I ran a post on this very topic and profiled top bloggers and what they earn. Their incomes are much less modest, and serve to inspire many of us who’ve chosen this path to our own dream of financial independence, self-employment and self-sufficiency.

Wise Bread’s Ongoing Q & A Series Spotlighting Women Personal Finance Bloggers
In addition, you may already know that I just held a Q & A over at Wise Bread to discuss life, blogging and finance. Here’s a recap of the week-long event. I had a wonderful time fielding thought-provoking questions from readers and fellow bloggers alike. I even picked up some reality TV (So You Think You Can Dance) tickets in the process! Thank you to Will, Lynn and other Wise Bread bloggers for the invitation and warm reception. For more on the Women of the Personal Finance Blogosphere Q & A series, check out Wise Bread’s forums, where the spotlight has been on Frugal Duchess and on Millionaire Mommy Next Door, with more interviews lined up in the following weeks.
Inquirer.Net: A Mention In My “Local” Paper
I was also especially thrilled to have reached an international audience (readers from my home country), so to speak. Salve Duplito, who runs a Filipino business and finance blog called Money Smarts as part of, the online arm of a major newspaper publication in the Philippines, wrote an article about “Paying Yourself First”, and she kindly mentioned my blog in her piece. You can bet I was incredibly excited about this and even called my parents long-distance, informing them to watch out for the story in their morning paper. Whenever I visit my home country, I have that newspaper in hand with breakfast — just part of tradition, which makes this mention quite special 🙂 .
BlogHer On Frugal Blogs
Last but not least, thank you to BlogHer’s Alanna Kellogg for the write up on personal finance ideas by frugal blogs. My post on “Lost Money: How Money Drains Add Up To $175,000 in 10 Years” made it into their article. I’m very pleased with BlogHer’s support of their member blogs (they’re one of The Digerati Life’s main advertisers), and am looking forward to seeing how they take their many plans to the next level. They’ve got a lot in store in the next few quarters!
Thank you everyone for the fantastic opportunities and great mentions! It means so much to us bloggers who pour our hearts into our online ventures.
Image Credit: Tutor2U
Copyright © 2008 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
svb, thank you so much for highlighting this Wise Bread article, I hadn’t seen it and I’m on’s made my day 🙂
You’re very welcome! Wise Bread’s project is definitely a wonderful shout out to the PF ladies! 🙂
That is awesome to get your site mentioned on US News about making money of blogging. It must mean you are doing something right.
Congrats on the recognition. It’s well deserved — you run a great blog over here.
Agree the blog is fantastic, I was thinking of starting a blog on mortgages but I just don’t have the time and people like you do it so much better.
That is pretty cool! I wish I had a blog that got recognized like that. Keep up the good work.
It definitely a lot of work to keep such a great blog going. To make money off blogging is not an easy task and I take my hat off to those that do.
Not too sure what happened to my comment or if I dropped the line.
It takes a lot to run a blog and too make money takes so much more. I have tried it out in the past and take my hat off to all those are successful.
Well done for achieving success with your blog. I will keep these in mind until I try it again, especially not relying on Adsense.
Blogging for money is definitely very good.
congrats on the recognition, very cool.
interesting info too. especially for those of us who started blogging just because we were passionate about a subject… and then it started slowly taking off from there.
That’s awesome about the local paper, maybe they can save you a copy and send it or scan it to you!
“Don’t rely purely on Google AdSense. ”
I think people feel there’s no other source.
Good post
Getting picked up in the not really local, “local” paper is a big deal. I bet that is a sweet feeling!
This post is a good one. Although it may not directly be monetary, it would still be cool to get “paid” by having folks send you goodies to review or try and post about would be cool also. I caught up with a buddy of mine in Connecticut who stated a blog about one of his favorite things, BEER! He told me that he regularly receives free beer samples in the mail from local and national breweries to review. I wish I thought of that. I can’t imagine anything as cool as that… Ok well money, but still, it would be sweet to come home from work and find a 6 pack of beer on your porch. If you’re interested in beer check out my buddy’s blog and see how he does it.
My college buddy’s beer blog
Happy blogging!
Blogging in the right way can be a great source for followers, however often times i see people abusing it.
Blogging really has opened up a window for many people who want to live self sufficiently to have an avenue for income. Really anyone now has the chance to live that dream – Amazing really.