Update: The contest is over. We have a winner! Thank you so much to all those who joined and shared their Christmas memories here with us. Merry Christmas to everyone!
We’re giving away an Epson Workforce 600 Printer for the holidays!
Wow, Christmas will be here in a blink of an eye, and we’ll be facing the new year pretty soon. We’re still not entirely done with our Christmas list, maybe around 95% complete. But I do have room in my holiday list for a reader giveaway: I’m very happy to offer someone a free Epson Workforce 600 Printer. I was remiss about having my annual giveaway last October, when I “celebrated” my 2nd anniversary as a blogger, but I was out of town then. I hope to make up for that missed giveaway this time! 🙂
An Epson representative contacted me about reserving this Epson Workforce 600 Printer for the chance to give it to one of our readers, and of course, I was quite excited!

Photo by Amazon
Here are some more details and features about this printer:
- As of this writing, it’s ranked #7 in popularity under Amazon’s “Printers” category.
- As per their product description, the printer is engineered for the small business and home office, will print photos and will copy, scan and fax documents. It’s claim to fame is that it’s fast — it functions twice as fast as competitive ink jet models.
- It has Wi-Fi and Ethernet networking built in, has laser quality printing, built-in memory card reader, a large 2.5 inch tilt color LCD to view, edit, print images with or without a computer.
- It’s energy efficient — uses up to 3x less energy than a laser printer.
I’ve read a few reviews of this product, and for the most part, they were very positive. This item is also pretty well rated at Amazon.
How To Enter
To participate in the giveaway, you can do any one or more of these things:
- Just mention and link to this post on your site (if you have one).
- Send me your comment below to tell us your best memory or most memorable event you’ve had over the holidays.
- Write about said memory as a post on your site and link to this giveaway.
Unfortunately, only one comment per person will be counted but I’ll assign one entry for each action above. Only entries from the United States can be accepted. Finally, I’ll have a random draw for the winner in a few days — depending on response volume.
If you haven’t had a chance to do so, I hope you’ll consider subscribing to my daily updates through this link or through email. 🙂
Copyright © 2008 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 62 comments… read them below or add one }
I remember the time in late 2008 when I won a contest for a fabulous all-in-one printer from one of the best sites on the Internet. The wifi networking saved me so many trips upstairs to my office that my knees thanked SVB every day.
LMAO! Oh wow, that is classic. Nice one Lazy! 😀 So far, you’ve got the best entry I’ve read yet! lol.
P.S. flattery and bribery sometimes work, sometimes not. 😉
Lazy’s picture really fits his comment because he must’ve been dreaming about winning the printer. The real winner is probably me and if I win, you are invited to come over and visit me (and set up the printer for me as well).
Great giveaway!
My biggest memory of the holidays is last year when I was in incredible pain from two herniated disks in my lower back. The main pain came from a pinched sciatic nerve.
My most memorable event…. When I was in kindergarten our class held a holiday gift swap. Every student’s name was placed in a hat and the parents each picked a name and bought a corresponding gift. I was the last to open my gift and fully expected to receive some piece of jewelry, because all of the other girls in the classroom had received plastic necklaces and bracelets. Instead I opened the package and found a tooth fairy pillow. Being only five years old I couldn’t contain my disappointment and burst into tears. I remember my mom profusely apologizing for my behavior. The woman who gave me the gift felt absolutely awful. She even offered to buy me another present, but my mom explained that the gift she gave was absolutely perfect. My mom turned out to be right. As a child I rested the heads of all of my baby dolls on it. I bet all of those other little girls lost their jewelry, but oddly enough I still own that tooth fairy pillow.
I’ve had quite a few memorable Christmases… most of which were shared with family and friends, which is the way it should be. My least favorite was probably the first Christmas my wife and I were married. She was in the USAF at the time and was deployed to the Middle East for almost 5 months (she left less than 3 weeks after our wedding and missed Thanksgiving and Christmas). Right before she left I surprised her with a Thanksgiving dinner (in September), and I sent her a few gifts for Christmas. But it just wasn’t the same. She is out of the military now and we should be able to spend each Christmas together from here on out. 🙂
I really can’t pick a single memorable event because the holidays are always good for me since I get to spend them with family and friends. If I had to choose, the holidays this year will be extra special because I have a new baby niece joining me. And to be completely objective, she’s the cutest thing in this world! 🙂
One of my fond memories as a child was when my parents surprised my brother and I with a fish tank. We were very little, so it seemed like the coolest thing in the world.
Unfortunately, the fish died a few months later when we went on a family vacation. 🙁
One of my most memorable…in 1999 we went to Houston to help my brother-in-law & his family move. We were actually moving things on Christmas day. It was very deserted driving around town (which is very odd in Houston!) and as we drove by a gas station, we saw a guy filling up a bunch of gas cans in the back of his van. Guess he was getting prepared in case mass chaos ensued 1-1-2000!
finally spending christmas with my family after being away for 5 years at college.
Every Christmas is memorable for me because I get to spend time with the ones that I love for a while. Because my family is very spread out it is hard to get everyone together very often so Christmas is great time to catch up and have fun with the family.
The smell of my moms holiday bread baking. She gives out so many loves to friends and neighbors that our house was filled with the wonderful aroma (this started 2 weeks before Christmas). It’s been years since I moved out but I still think of this every time Christmas comes around.
I ran into a brick wall last week…
do I win? 😀
my favorite christmas memory was two years ago. I was able to give my girlfriend a vacation for us to ski in crested butte colorado, at a time when we were very busy and stressed out. i prefer to give experiences to things, and I really needed the break. It was a fantastic time.
Unfortunatelly, my most memorable event over X-mas was not happy. When I was 11, my father gave me a nice watch…..only to take it away the same day telling me that I am not old enough to care for such a nice watch and I would get it back when I was a little older.
most memorable event – Christmas Eve 2006 we were in a head on collision..minor injuries nothing too serious. It was the most memorable because it really made us stop & slow down, appreciate the time we had together as a family, and not worry about going to other peoples parties, celebrations, etc but to make our own family memories. We have not traveled during Christmas since and do not plan to. It is now ‘our family’ time and we dont get sucked into going to in-laws etc.
Hi, I just made a post on my site, Money Hacks, about your giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
One of my fondest memories of Christmas is taking that car ride Christmas Eve, looking for Santa’s sleigh. And wouldn’t you know it, every time we took that drive, Santa came to my house while I was out! How could that happen? 🙂
Best wishes! Happy holidays.
Last Christmas, I cried in a parking lot because I’d spent the last six months looking for a job, going on interviews and being broke and couldn’t get anyone anything. Then, I’d seen my ex at the mall, who’d lost weight and finally discovered hygiene after we’d broke up. And he was making more money than ever, so he was flush and better looking. I came upon $40 Christmas Eve and got everyone what I could, including a can opener for my current kitchen loving boyfriend, feeling ashamed that that was all I could give and he’d been so sweet all month.
He says it was the best present and he loved it. I think he’s still lying, but we’re still together.
This is an easy memory, as I have a visual reminder every time I drive.
The very first time I took my infant son out in the car (aside from my husband driving us home from the hospital) I got in a fender bender. No one was hurt and the damage was cosmetic, but we’ve never spent the money to fix it, so every time I see the car I think of how awful that experience was. Who let me drive at 2 weeks post-partum, on zero sleep, anyway!?
That made no sense as a Christmas memory unless you know that my son was born just before the holidays!
Best Christmas memory….as I think about it, the memory that keeps coming back to me is when I was an early teen and got a 5-disc CD changer for my bedroom stereo. It was huge as you might imagine, Sony, and totally awesome. I couldn’t wait for it and used it for years. Until CDs became obsolete while I was in college. I sold it shortly after graduating, years ago. Coincidentally, I sold it near Christmas time as well, probably to be gifted.
The best Christmas memories are from when I was a kid.
I was in the junior choir at my church and every Christmas Eve we had a childrens only service.
We would sing all of my favorite songs and the Pastor would read the Christmas story with all of the children scattered at his feet. After the service there would be a small party.
My mom would take us home and we would lay under the Christmas tree and watch how the tree lights would make the ornaments sparkle. So excited about Santa coming that night.
My most memorable holiday memory has to be the time that my dad dressed up like Santa to surprise my cousin. We dropped him off in full Santa gear a block away from my cousin’s house. He even had a garbage bag full of presents over his shoulder.
When we were still in eyeshot of him, a car in the other lane zoomed over a ridge and nearly ran him over. He reacted instinctual by flipping off the driver, forgetting that he was dressed like Santa. I can only imagine what it felt like to be flipped off by Santa.
I don’t have an active blog so I cannot post on my site .. but I will share a story (or two). Strongest memory about Christmas was I was supposed to be born on Christmas (I know – I don’t know this, but I am reminded every darn year – so it is my strongest memory). My mother was due, and had lots of false labor with me. She spent Christmas before I was born – in the hospital, getting induced, which did not take. I was induced another 3 times, and finally took in mid January and I was born.
My happiest Christmas memory was when I lived overseas, and there was no Christmas trees (as it was on the equator and we had palm trees !!!) and my father got an old, used, 1950’s fake tree from some dude selling it in Malaysia (we were in Singapore). He wanted $100 US for it and my dad paid it. It is pathetic looking, had very few “branches” and but we had one of our best Christmas’s with that tree. We did not have a white Christmas, it was 95 degrees out with 100% humidity, but it did not rain that day (even though it was close to the monsoon season).
Oh yeah .. I still have that tree .. and it is put up every year in my house in the front room. I have a better tree now and put them both up, however the other one is up for sentimental reasons.
This entire holiday season is memorable for me because this is our first Christmas together with our first born baby boy… He makes life so interesting and wonderful. I begin to realize how important it is to be with family during the holidays. I especially felt the love and joy from his face expression when he saw our Christmas tree light up for the very first time. Everytime I hold him and we walk by the tree, he loves it… : ) That’s what Christmas is all about…
The most memorable christmas in 2006. I was in Thailand with a bunch of friends. We tracked down a local children’s hospital and bought story books, crayons and sketchbooks for all the kids.
Love your site! Have linked to the contest on my blog: http://tabsmom.blogspot.com. I have so many pictures I’d love to print and frame, so please, please, pick me as a winner!
My fondest memory is getting a Christmas Tree on Dec 24, while stationed in Iceland. The PX got two containers of trees, first come first served. Pulled them out and handed them still wrapped and you had to purchase them as is. Kids super excited. Then that evening standing in the cold watching the Northern lights danceing across the sky.
Christmas get togethers at my grand-parents house. Each year, my grandparents would throw a big holiday get together/party. All of our family would be their and many of my grandparent’s friends as well.
As a kid I loved playing with all of my cousins and eating all of the great food everyone brought. My favorite was Rum Balls, to this day they are still my favoriate holiday desert.
Mine is always spending time on Christmas Eve with family enjoying all the familys secret great dishes and spending time relaxed and reflecting on the reason for the season.
My most memorable holiday was a certain Thanksgiving when I was about 10. The power went out around 2 p.m. which meant we couldn’t cook our traditional meal. Instead, we huddled in the garage around the coleman stove, where my dad made hamburgers. It sounds disappointing, but we loved the adventure of it. I still remember it fondly.
I remember being a young child and recieving my first video game system. To say I was excited would be an understatment.
My first Christmas morning with my wife’s family. I am an only child, so Christmas was very chill and relaxed………..and then I marry into a family with five sisters, 3 brother in laws, and 10 nieces and nephews all opening gifts at the same time!
My favorite holiday memory is actually a conglomeration of memories from childhood; spending every Christmas as my grandmother’s with all of my mom’s family. No one on that side of the family speaks to each other any more so those Christmas’s when they did are truly treasured memories.
My favorite Christmas memory of late happens every year at my grand-ma’s. Years ago, we started writing on her Christmas table cloth. I know, most people would get in trouble for such a thing but this was a specially designated one and not the fine linen one at the grown-ups table! 🙂 Every year everyone writes (usually) what has happened to them in years past. It is really a neat time to look at past years and how our children and nephews have grown up from just tracing around their little baby hands to being able to write on their own. It’s a special time I would not trade for the world!
My best Christmas memories have come from the children’s Sunday school programs. One year, a little girl started eating the poinsettias, another year “Mary” ran off into the choir loft and wouldn’t come down, still another year the “sheep” thought it would be fun to wander off and play the piano. Finally, there was the year where “Mary” and “Joseph” gave each other a little kiss to the delight of the crowd. Well, when they realized how much attention they got for doing that, they just kept kissing and wouldn’t stop! One of the moms finally ran up and stopped the make out session.
Thanks for the awesome giftaway!
The details are fuzzy, but my fondest holiday memory is when I heard “The Little Drummer Boy” for the first time as a kid, and I wanted to hear it again and again. I would listen to the radio all day and night hoping to hear it one more time.
One memory that stands out for me is last Christmas Eve at our annual family celebration last year. I was playing with my little Nephew swinging him around and completly popped his arm out of his socket. My brother had to take him to the emergency room and was gone for the rest of the night. I felt awful! It definatly is on the list of things I will not forget! lol
My biggest memory is the year my daughter was 2 (almost 3) at Christmas. It was the first year that she really “got” that she was going to open presents the next morning. On Christmas Eve, she was so wound up and excited, she was bouncing off the walls, which turned to full blown crying from fatigue around 1 a.m. And yet she still wouldn’t sleep. We both ended up crashing on the couch about 3 a.m. It wasn’t funny at the time, but I look back and smile now.
My favorite Christmas memory were the very few years where I wouldn’t have to travel around to all my extended family. While visiting them goes without question, sometimes it’s nice to just spent it with your parents and sister together in your *own* house for once. Growing up we would never host but one year we did and it was grand.
Now that i’m off on my own, the best memory I hope to make this year is just to have a relaxing low key Christmas once again with just my parents and little sister.
My best Christmas memory is sort-of a conglomeration of Christmas Eves with my family. They’re all pretty much the same, so they’ve blended together over the years. The year it meant the most to me was 2004, when my mother had just gotten out of the hospital after major surgery and had been pronounced terminal. We were so grateful that we had another Christmas with her and we were intent on making it a good once, since we didn’t know how many more Christmases we had. Also, my sister and I were the ones who did all the Christmas cooking and house preparations.
Thanks for the opportunity! I mentioned it here…
LOL! I can’t top Lazy Man’s, darn it!
In real life, I suppose my most vivid memory of Christmas was when I was about three years old, our first Christmas as a family in Saudi Arabia and the first time my parents were together for a Christmas after I was born. He was at sea when I was born on V.E. Day at the end of World War II and didn’t get home for another year. Then he took a job in Arabia, where he was required to work for a year before he could send for his family.
They really hyped Santa Claus, and I was soooooo excited in anticipation of the day we were supposed to get up early in the morning and find mountains of merchandise under the fake Christmas tree in the living room. (There were no pine trees on the Persian Gulf.)
My parents were snoozing happily come a Christmas dawn when I popped out of bed, ran into the living room, and emitted a blood-curdling SHRIEK, followed by a long, excruciating wail. The poor souls came racing out of their bedroom, their faces pale and their hearts no doubt in hyperdrive.
“What on earth is the matter!” they cried.
“Santa Claus didn’t come!” I screamed.
They had to explain to me that Christmas Eve was the day BEFORE Santa Claus was supposed to helicopter in to Ras Tanura and magically deposit gifts under every expatriate kid’s tree. “Eve”…that would be “evening.” As though I knew what an “evening” was.
Well, the next morning Santa did show up. He left an extra-large tricycle, the sort that old ladies in Sun City ride around on these days. I could barely reach the pedals…but it was wonderful.
Link to yours comin’ up! 🙂
My best Xmas memory is going to my grandmother’s on Christmas eve night when I was a child. All of my family-cousins, etc., were there, and there were many memorable Christmas parties.
My favorite holiday memory… sitting with my family with the cats in front of a warm fire, eating way too many latkes and then taking a nap.
My best Christmas memory is being snowed in at a mountain retreat (near Mt. Rainier) — no way to get in or out, a nice fireplace in the room, food in the restaurant, a couple books to read, and just my sweetie and me.
Best ever!
My most memorable Christmas memory is from our first house. It was so nice to own something on our own and have a place to create our own traditions.
My favourite memory was when my Grandad used to dress up as Santa to deliver extra presents later in the day! I used to think he was the real one! Hehe.
“most memorable event you’ve had over the holidays”…this is an easy one for me! When I was 10 years old my mom had the Hong Kong flu and the doctor wanted her to go into the hospital. It was the day before Christmas 1968. She told him she wanted to be home with her children for Christmas so he let her stay home and she lay on the couch the entire day (but she was with us). She went to the hospital the next day, went into a coma, and died on New Years Eve. Needless to say, my holidays have never quite been the same. I am not continually sad during the holidays, but I always work on Christmas and New Years Eve (@ a hospital), it is easier for me that way. Thanks for allowing me to share; I think this has been cathartic for me.
Everyone, thanks so much for your enthusiastic replies to this thread. It’s going to be hard to only give away one printer! Anyway just wanted to say many thanks for your response. Merry Christmas to all. There’s still time to join the drawing, for those of you who haven’t already. 🙂
My favorite memories of Christmas were when I was younger and my parents were both alive. My Mom really had the Christmas spirit and sent out about 300 cards each year to family and friends. I would help by putting the cards in the envelopes and putting on the stamps. Dad would seal the envelopes and Mom did all the signing of the cards. Mom also bought little gifts for almost everyone and we would all spend a day wrapping these little gifts. We even had extras for unexpected company and people were always so surprised that we had a present for them. My Mom loved to bake, and we made her “Christmas Cake” for close family and friends. It was another day long affair with my Dad and me doing the mixing of ingredients and Mom preparing the pans, pouring the batter in layers, and monitoring the baking. We had 3 ovens, and they were all running. We would freeze all of these cakes wrapped up in fancy foil and ribbon and then take them with us as hostess gifts. When my Mom became older and couldn’t handle all the work of baking, many people really missed those cakes and wanted the recipe. I now hold it, but I don’t usually make more than a couple because I just don’t have the time. We always went to mass on Christmas Eve and came home and opened 1 present of our choice. Then, early Christmas we got up, opened the rest, ate a nice breakfast and went to church again. I guess the part I enjoyed so much was spending so much time with my parents and family.
When I was a child the last gift on Christmas morning (usually the largest gift) would be hidden in the house somewhere and us kids would have to follow the clues and find our gift 🙂
My most memorable Christmas actually was from decorating the tree when I was just a little kid (4-6 yrs?) We were singing carols and my mom was handing out ornaments and my dad was filming the video. We started singing ‘Rudolph’ and my older sister held a red glass ball to her nose while we sang. I copied her (of course, I was the younger sister!) and I must have held that ball to my nose for 3 or 4 more songs… it wasn’t until we were on to ‘Silent Night’ that my dad told met that I could get rid of the nose if I wanted. Somehow I was so embarrassed that I had forgotten I was holding that silly thing up.
Thanks everyone! Okay, comments are now closed at this time. I’ll be announcing the winner shortly! Thanks very much for participating! 🙂 Happy Holidays!
I think this year will be my most memorable christmas. Every year I get to spend it with my family one way or another. This year I am in Seattle WA and they are in Cleveland OH. I have to be here for my job so its not a happy memory 🙁 But next year I will be home for Christmas. I have great memories of spending Christmas Eve at my grandparents tiny house with WAY too many people stuck inside, but thats what makes it great!
I wrote a blog about your giveaway http://twinjackienurse.blogspot.com/
My favorite holiday memory is cutting down the tree with my parents and siblings. We would come home and decorate it all together!! We are all in college or older and we still come home to decorate with mom and dad!
Hello again —
I appreciate everyone’s entries, thanks so much! And I just want to say that I’ve already announced the winner. 🙂 Please see my article on the winner here. Congratulations to John for getting the printer this time!
Merry Christmas to all!
My favorite memory is last year when I had to truck all my sons christmas presents to work with me because I work holidays and then got home at 2am and put them all under my parents tree because we werent home that christmas because mommy worked. He was so surprised.
Then later that day I brought all the gifts home and he took a nap and I opened all the gifts out of their packages and lined them all around the living room. I never saw him so happy 🙂
Thats a beast of a printer.
Great competition, i would love one of them
Doh! I just wrote up a great comment, but just realized that this was last year. Well, congrats on winning that awesome printer, and props on the traffic building idea.