Lots of personal finance enthusiasts are probably aware of the many networks that exist out there that already cover the financial space. But then again, you may be curious about some of the ones that are being worked on specifically by some of your favorite PF bloggers. In this part of the web, there’s always something cooking behind the scenes; it seems that the most industrious bloggers (or whom I call “blogging entrepreneurs”) always have something up their sleeve each time I blink! 😉 New projects being developed for the online financial community can hopefully enrich our space further.
Well, one of the PF bloggers I regularly keep tabs with is Pinyo, from Moolanomy, and this is one guy I know who diligently works on many ventures at once. He has a couple of sites that you may want to check out and bookmark, as they are great resources for financial information and content:
PF Buzz
I’ve talked about PF Buzz before, along with Tip’d, which are both social networks in the personal finance space. Personal Finance Buzz features an assortment of financial articles by PF bloggers around the world, with the best articles eventually catapulting to the front page, thanks to votes from the community. If you are bored, you can also check out the “Random Buzz” page, which takes you to articles that are randomly presented by the system. Why not give it a spin?

Greatnexus Headline News
Now here’s a newer site — again courtesy of Pinyo — called Greatnexus. It reminds me of Guy Kawasaki’s Alltop site, but leave it to Pinyo to put something awesome like this together! Greatnexus is a headline news aggregator. From the front page you can see news from mainstream media news sites and major social media sites. However, if you only want to focus on things that you’re interested in, you can check out the headlines in over 25 categories.
There are also these other notable financial community resources you may not want to miss!
- A World of Personal Finance Bloggers – A Google Map of where personal finance bloggers are located, created by Prime Time Money.
- PFBlogs.org – A personal finance blogs aggregator created by Flexo of Consumerism Commentary.
- Alltop Personal Finance – A personal finance articles “newsstand” created by Will Mayall, Kathryn Henkens, and Guy Kawasaki.
- the Business and Finance categories of social bookmarking and media sites like Reddit, Digg, Stumble Upon and Mixx
- Carnival of Personal Finance – a listing of personal finance blog posts that is thematically showcased in various personal finance blogs on a weekly basis. If you’re interested in anything personal finance, this is a weekly event you may be interested in checking out.
- Festival of Frugality – another roaming carnival like the original Carnival of Personal Finance, except topics of blog posts submitted to this carnival are focused on frugality and money saving advice. There are tons of other fantastic finance carnivals that exist, which you’ll find me covering here at The Digerati Life.
- FIRE Finance’s Monthly Personal Finance Blog Rankings – monthly rankings of PF blog sites according to traffic. Seems like a lot of blood, sweat and tears to compile this stuff every month!
- TheMoneyWriters.com – Okay, I snuck this one here, but it’s the aggregate site for the personal finance network group I belong to. Here’s where you can view a concentrated slice of personal finance from a handful of personal finance bloggers I enjoy bantering with.

For those interested, here are a few more interesting money sites, finance networks and personal finance resources around the web.
Happy surfing!
Copyright © 2009 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
Thanks for the link! I admire those “blogging entrepreneurs”…like you!
I am blushing and smiling at the same time. It feels good to have a title “blogging entrepreneur” and be recognized by one of my role models. Thank you so much for highlighting PFBuzz.com and Greatnexus.com. I really appreciate it!
Yes, Pinyo is a real inspiration! Always improving his main site, too… it’s amazing how much opportunity there is for blogging entrepreneurship when you have the time to put into it, because these things take a lot of work.
It is amazing to see how some people can keep coming up with great stuff on a consistent basis. It is a true inspiration for the rest of us and when they are able to keep the quality at a high level it really makes them stand out from the crowd.
I wasn’t even sure where to look to engage the financial community. I thought for sure there must be a presence somewhere. Just wanted to say thanks for giving me some direction on where to go. I do research for protecting financial websites from spyware and things like that, so I want to get involved with their concerns.
Good list of personal finance sites. I frequent many of them myself.