These past few days — okay, ever since January hit — my blogging activities are being relegated into the wee hours of the night. Why? Seems like the personal finance space is igniting with events over the next few months and well, it’s fun to be in the thick of it. Interestingly, the online action is spilling into actual events where we get a chance to meet others through conferences, meet ups and even just casual get togethers. A whirlwind of activities, but quite a lot of fun. What I found is that there’s quite a lot of synergy created with networking.
Online Contests Galore & Announcements from Financial Sites
Now that I’m taking a bit of a breather, there are a few announcements I’d like to make — some are updates to a number of events that are ongoing this month in the world of online finance:

Image from
1. Video Contest From Lending Club & Perkstreet Financial
Not too long ago, I wrote about how you could join a video contest to win some great cash prizes. Well, just want to give you a heads up that this contest is currently underway and if you submit a video now, it will be subject to the public vote. This contest is being sponsored by two top financial sites: Lending Club (a popular peer to peer lender) and PerkStreet Financial, an online bank that offers a checking account and debit card with rewards (and more products to come).
There’s a change since I wrote about this contest: please note that the contest requirements have been relaxed to accommodate more videos. You can now submit any kind of “get out of debt video” and not just those that show you demolishing your credit cards. You can talk about your commitment to vanquishing your debt, or discuss your plans to beat debt. You can show yourself tearing up junk mail or credit card solicitations.
You can read more about this contest and see some sample entries here. The contest will end by January 28, 2011. Also, there’s even been some coverage in the news about this!
2. HubPages contest
Whether you’re a writer who already maintains “hubs” in, or you’re someone new to the idea of making some money as a writer (without having to maintain your own site), then you may be interested in the ongoing Money Grows On Hubs writing contest over at You can find out more about this in their official page here. We’re in week 2 of this contest, and eligible entries are welcome all the way up to January 31, 2011 (at 12 noon PT).
3. Is Turning 2 Giveaway!
Oh my goodness! If you love giveaways, here’s a biggie. Bargain Babe is having her 2nd Anniversary and is giving away 11 cool prizes this week to some lucky readers. And it doesn’t end there. She is also giving away 155 free prizes next week. Did I read that right? Wow! Anyway, you can scoot over there and join her giveaway for the chance to win! Find out how you can win a $250 Macy’s card or any one of 10 more giveaways ending Jan. 17. Here is her announcement on this: 11 prizes to celebrate turning 2!
More updates later. I’m a little pooped right now! 🙂
Copyright © 2011 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }
Thank you for the tips on some cool prizes!! Free is a number I like!
I am definitely going to check these out! Thanks for the heads up.
Hi Michael,
Glad to hear that you are going to check out these great online contests. I work for PerkStreet Financial and wanted to let you know that we are accepting all types of videos about getting out of debt. It’s a great chance to do something fun and possibly win over $1,000 for it!
Let me know if you end up submitting a video so that I can personally check it out and share with the team. You can reach me at jenna.walker at
Thanks and good luck,
Jenna Walker
PerkStreet Financial