Bank Accounts For People With Bad Credit

August 29, 2012

There have been several people I know who have wanted the convenience of checking, but couldn’t open a new account due to bad credit. The past recession has left many to deal with damaged credit everywhere you look. But all may not be lost even if you happen to be in this boat. You can […]

Common Job Interview Questions and Answers: Tips To Get Hired

August 25, 2012

You have reached that all-important milestone; you finally got somebody out there to invite you in for a face-to-face interview. Do you know what you will answer? Are you prepared with concise and focused replies? Or are you going to stammer and stutter, peppering your remarks with “You know”, “I mean” or even worse, some […]

How To Buy A Car Online

August 20, 2012

Time to buy a new car? Some fast tips before you get going. A long while back, some of us at work were snickering about a coworker buying a car on eBay. “Can you imagine,” we laughed among ourselves. “Why would anyone do that?” We couldn’t even comprehend the idea. But times change and when […]

Developing Financial Goals: The First Step To Control Your Finances

August 15, 2012

When you embark on a trip, the first thing you do is map out your journey towards your destination. In the same way, when you begin the journey of taking control of your finances, you must figure out where you want to go. Financial goals are keys to determining this. There are three types of […]

Should You Cash Out of Your Retirement Savings Plan?

August 11, 2012

During these times of historically high unemployment rates, many people have had to resort to dipping into their retirement savings simply to survive. It’s something I understand since I’ve been in this situation before. When I first became an entrepreneur, after several years in corporate America with nice retirement benefits, I would often be strapped […]

Graduated From College? Financial Tips For The New Graduate

August 6, 2012

Something really weird happens when you graduate from college and the weeks go on. You realize that you’re structured life is no more. This means no more 8 AM classes or evenings filled with group meetings. Now you have all the time in the world, yet you can’t seem to find any structure. By not […]

Facing Debt Trouble? How I Deal With Debt Stress

July 30, 2012

Do you have any debt? I did once, and even though I am thankfully not in debt anymore, I can well remember just how it felt at the time. I hated those bills dropping through the letter box. Trying to figure out how to pay even the minimum amount was a stressful task! But when […]

How A Good Insurance Agent Helps Cut Insurance Costs

July 27, 2012

It’s no secret how I feel about insurance. It seems like everyone has their hands out when it comes to getting a little piece of the action. From auto insurance to health insurance, homeowners insurance, business liability insurance, life insurance, death insurance. I mean, is there anything that we do or own that doesn’t require […]

Get Foreclosure Information & Options From Fannie Mae:

July 24, 2012

Living in a very high cost area, where property values are stratospheric and home ownership continues to be out of reach, I’ve gotten to know many homeowners who are biding their time with regards to making a new home purchase. But along with those folks who haven’t been able to enter the housing market, there […]

Stock Market Strategies: Trading In A Bull vs Bear Market

July 22, 2012

Nobody can blame you if your views of the stock market have changed lately. Buy and hold investing is no longer as rewarding an approach as it used to be in decades past. With most decisions in life, no question has an easy answer and this is no exception. If there is an easy answer, […]