For those who’ve ever downsized or who’ve been living in a small home, the biggest issue has always been about space. To be frank, I prefer to have spacious surroundings (read: a bigger house), but I can also certainly appreciate the charms and simplicity of residing in a cozier place. Now there’s an even bigger reason why living simply can work out pretty well. Apartment dwellers can rejoice when they come across more innovative products such as Murphy beds, and other smart furniture that can now be used to make their rooms more organized, more efficiently used and comfortable.
There are some clever furniture designers out there though, that have come up with some awesome pieces for your home. So what do you think of these awesome furniture sets? I love the idea of functional furniture that can double up as art or decor. I also like the multi-functional features of some of these pieces. The question is, just how affordable are they? And where do they sell these things?
Heh, well if furniture like this were affordable and more easily accessible, perhaps more people wouldn’t mind squeezing into tighter spots. And that would be one of the biggest ways to really save money. Imagine doing away with those regular expenses that go with the upkeep of your house. I would certainly breathe more easily if I can slash my property taxes or bring them down in a significant way, which in California, is one of the biggest drags on our family budget every year.
Furniture like this can certainly help make tiny houses more attractive as living spaces. So would you be willing to live in a smaller house?
Well, this is probably taking it a bit too far, but who knows what the future may bring? I’m wondering if this type of sleeping arrangement will become standard fare someday. Hope not! (These are capsule beds you’ll find in some hotels in Japan.)

Image from
Created July 14, 2010. Updated September 25, 2012. Copyright © 2012 The Digerati Life. All Rights Reserved.
{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow, SVB! That is some amazing furniture. They must have a pretty good team working out all these designs…they’re almost beautiful in their simplicity! I think living in a tiny house would be very doable with furniture like this – even quite pleasant. Thanks for sharing this!
How does the price of this type of compact furniture compare to say, a regular bed? Any one have experience with this?
Also – on the topic of saving money with furniture, I have found some very useful 2nd hand furniture for past apartments/houses by looking at places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Craigslist. Just some frugal living thoughts..
I’ve always felt that ceilings are underutilized. I love kitchens with utensils and pots hanging from the kitchen — why don’t we do more of that? Bookshelves could go on the ceiling, as could pull-down wardrobes full of clothing. It’s a whole ‘nother floor up there!
I am sure I will not be able to sleep in those capsule beds. I live in a small apartment but the way I worked on my interior design, I saved a lot of space. Now my place does not look so small.
Know what’s a shame? Too many houses these days are all pre-fab and of styles that are all the same. There’s no more creativity it seems (at least from what I see). I’d love to see more homemakers make better use of space and efficiency. It seems that many just want bigger and bigger.
SVB, you had me at the coffee table that pulled up into table! I watched the entire video–impressive. Thanks for sharing.
A cool video of compact “Transformer-like” furniture. Its a desk, its a table, its a closet, its a bed! If this company prices things right, I think there will be a huge demand for it for apartment owners and renters. And the world is getting smaller as more people live longer and generations start living together. Also, with home ownership not being the sure bet it once was and the weak economy, more people are renting.
This unique furniture strikes me as probably more expensive than say IKEA or Wal-Mart which might be the competition for those trying to save a buck, save space, and have some furniture. Can you say Futon???
I wonder if the furniture is affordable for the average person now? Either way, I love the innovation. We need to continue to produce new and great ideas While they are focusing on those with just a little space, I would consider the coffee table in the beginning for my own home. I love that it raises to eating height.
Oh, I can’t believe it! I want one of those coffee tables that convert to a dining room table! I knew something like it must exist, but I couldn’t find much when I was looking three years ago. I also love the wall bed for guests.
A little off tangent, but I found some interesting custom-made furniture that’s less into function and more into art. I thought I’d share, just because it looks so cool! Here are some pics.
This is an excellent idea plus they look really good!
I think everyone could stand to live in a smaller place. A lot of people just accumulate too much stuff and think they need more room for it. I love the furniture you showcased in this post. I wish more of it was available for everyone.
I for one, try and utilize every inch of my small place in order to save money and use everything I have. If I have to store it away and never see it, then I don’t need it (sans a few things that have lots of memories, but no real place to go).
I purchased my 1000 sq. ft. place and paid it off in less then 4 years. I worked my butt off even during the recession when both my husband and I lost our jobs. It is a basic 3 bedroom, two bath, with kitchen that is connected to the living room and vaulted ceilings. Here’s the catch though, it’s a mobile home and it’s the reason I can now return to school. I don’t have any debt because of it and can pay for school in full each semester. Did I mention I can work on other projects I love like business, personal, etc. because I have time for these things.
I would suggest smaller living to everyone, but also living below your means. 😀
I am so not in to living in small spaces. I hate apartment living because of that (oh, and having neighbors surrounding you and closing in on you). I’d love to just have enough space. I hate having to limit myself because I don’t have a place to put something.